This Week of Grace

This Week of Grace is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Gracie Fields, Henry Kendall and John Stuart. A poor, unemployed woman is made housekeeper at the estate of a wealthy duchess. It was promoted with the tagline Cinderella in modern dress. It is notable for its songs written by Harry ParrDavies, including My Lucky Day and Happy Ending.

The film was made by Twickenham Studios following a dispute between Radio Pictures, who owned the rights to Fields, and Associated Talking Pictures ATP who had previously made her films. It was part of an attempt by Twickenham to move away from making Quota quickies towards more highbudget quality productions a strategy that continued until the bankcruptcy of its owner Julius Hagen. As the sound stage at Twickenham was already booked, filming was done at Ealing Studios, ironically owned by ATP.The film is one of the least wellknown of Fields work. It has been noted for its promotion of a national consensus between classes the first time this had been featured in a Fields film. It was theme which was to become a cornerstone of her work during her years of mainstream popularity. It was wellreceived on its release with Kine Weekly observing that the film consolidated Fields as Englands premier entertainer. ........

Source: Wikipedia